How much does it cost to implement SAP B1?

The team at Leverage Technologies has written previous blogs discussing the cost of implementing SAP Business One (SAP B1) and we have received feedback that readers want more specific guidelines on SAP Business One pricing / costs to implement.

There are a number of factors to be considered when implementing SAP Business One (SAP B1) and each of these factors will have an influence on pricing and the cost to implement SAP Business One.

Factors that influence the cost to implement SAP Business One include:

  • Functional requirements,
  • Data conversation,
  • Geography,
  • Reporting requirements,
  • Skill set of users,
  • Number of users,
  • Integration requirements,
  • Development requirements.

Cost to implement SAP B1

Cost to implement SAP B1That being said let’s look at three examples of system implementations for SAP Business One and the associated investment required.

What does it cost to implement SAP Business One (basic implementation) – 8 users – Finance, Distribution and CRM requirements? Total solution pricing estimate $50,000. This includes 8 users of SAP Business One, year one annual maintenance, implementation, training and system configuration. Standard SAP Business One reporting is used and minimal configuration is required. Usually one company, one location.

What does it cost to implement SAP Business One (typical implementation) – 25 users – Finance, Distribution, mobility, business intelligence reporting and CRM requirements? Total solution pricing estimate $104,000.  This includes 25 SAP Business One software users, year one annual maintenance, implementation, training and system configuration. Standard plus some site specific reporting and mobility (iPhone / iPad app). Usually one company with multiple sites (inter-state).

What does it cost to implement SAP Business One (comprehensive implementation) – 50 users – Finance, Distribution, manufacturing, mobility, business intelligence reporting and CRM requirements? Total solution pricing estimate $190,000. This includes 50 users of SAP Business One software, year one annual maintenance and all implementation services. Usually mutli-site, multi-company. Includes comprehensive reporting requirements including consolidation reporting.

Let’s not forget that these numbers are only guidelines. SAP Business One can be implemented for a lot less than the $50,000 quoted above – depending on the business requirements and several other related factors.

We have assumed an on premise solution for the above pricing estimates. SAP Business One is also available in the cloud for a monthly investment.
